Gledaj hd besplatno The House That Jack Built (2018) sa prevodom online USA in the 1970s. We follow the highly intelligent Jack over a span of 12 years and are introduced to the murders that define Jack's development as a serial killer. We experience the story from Jack's point of view, while he postulates each murder is an artwork in itself. As the inevitable police intervention is drawing nearer, he is taking greater and greater risks in his attempt to create the ultimate artwork. Along the way we experience Jack's descriptions of his personal condition, problems and thoughts through a recurring conversation with the unknown Verge - a grotesque mixture of sophistry mixed with an almost childlike self-pity and psychopathic explanations. The House That Jack Built is a dark and sinister story, yet presented through a philosophical and occasional humorous tale.
Uvijek se pitam odakle ovoliko visoke ocjene za ovako glupe filmove.
Jedna od žešćih gluposti koje sam gledao-
Film je "dosadan" osobama koje ne zanima ovakva vrsta horora, ja ovo generalno ne bih ni svrstala u horore već u neke dokumentarce jer se u čitavom filmu radi o njegovim psihopatski mislima i da ubijanje predstavlja neku vrstu umjetnosti, kako on objašnjava. Sve u svemu nekih 7.5/10 samo jer su mogli da skrate film (ima suvišnih dijelova), film kao film drži pažnju ali je skraćuju, kao što sam već navela, suvišni dijelovi.
Film je savršen.Drži pažnju do kraja.Scenario fantastičan.Gluma za desetku.
Film je odlican.
Odlican film. Nekoliko puta sam ga gledao.
Bolesno...Putko budi precizan...
Cudan, interesantan na momente, kraj cudan, malo otegnut.....eto
Film kao film je dobar da kazemo ali je gadan
Gubljenje vremena!